Upcoming Workshops

Storyteller’s Hour- Bring Your Lunch and Share Your Experience


  • A 1-hour meeting once a month on the first Friday of the month.

  • Open to everyone. Share your image experiences, explorations, and results using Eidetic images. Learn more about how Eidetic Imaging can change your life.

  • Book now to reserve your spot!

To join the virtual Storyteller’s Group meeting, please click the Google Meet link here.

Schedule Now

Beginning March 24, 2025 - Active Mind Yoga: Power of the Tiger

  • Embark on this deeply anchoring experience of connecting with “The Mythic Self” via multiple tiger images.

  • Description: The Tiger Yoga is a highly immersive experience, engaging deeply with Eidetic Imaging through images such as The Tiger Exercise, The Golden Tiger, The Tiger in Shangri-La, and The Tiger in the Neighborhood. This asynchronous, virtual program follows an “image-go-round” format, where we will begin each week with a video introduction describing the image. An audio version of the image will be posted for participants to experience. Facilitators will respond to your image write-up, fostering a rich, experiential exploration of Eidetics that connects our mind-body-emotions. This journey offers a unique opportunity to witness the power of imagery in real-time, deepening personal insight and professional practice. Members will have the opportunity to engage virtually with both fellow participants and group facilitators.

  • Prerequisite: Those in the mental health field or actively on that track.

  • Asynchronous 6-week virtual course

  • Objectives:

    • Understand the union of mind and body through imaging

    • Learn how neurotransmitters affect change

    • Experience a connection between mythology and the self

    • Recognize how changes in the body/mind system are expressed and are an ongoing experience.

    ***Please note that yoga means union. This practice uses Eidetic Imaging to connect the mind, body, and emotions. It is not the traditional physical exercise form of yoga.

Beginning May 2025 - Aphrodite Yoga

  • Join us for a riveting experience addressing the politics of consciousness via a 6-week Aphrodite yoga.

  • Prerequisite: Those in the mental health field or actively on that track.

Beginning August 2025 - Ganesh Yoga

  • Immerse yourself in a transformative 6-week yoga centered around the symbolism of Ganesh including themes of adventure and acceptance.

  • Prerequisite: Those in the mental health field or actively on that track.

Student rates are available. Other discounted rates may be available. Please contact us to inquire. contactus@eideticinstitute.com