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Eidetic Research Articles

Caouette, L (2013) Self-Emergence in Eidetic Psychotherapy: A bridge to the existential-humanistic Perspective. Journal of Mental Imagery, 37 (1&2) 1-123. (link)

Kamran, M., & Rowland, D. L. (2020). Eidetic therapy in the treatment of depression: An exploratory application of an intervention in an emerging nation population. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(5), 527. (link)

Kivlighan, D., Angelone, E. O., & Swafford, K. G. (1991). Live supervision in individual psychotherapy: Effects on therapist intention use and client’s evaluation of session effect and working alliance. Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 489–495.

Marks, D. F. (1985). Toward a new structural theory of image formation. In D. F. Marks (Ed.), Theories of image formation. New York: Brandon House.

May, J., & Swafford, K. (2000). The effects of a radix workshop on anxiety and anger. Paper presented at the Second National Conference of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, Berkeley, CA.

Molento, T. E. S. (1984). Imagery in the Eidetic Parents Test (Master’s thesis, University of Otago, New Zealand).

O’Malley, G., Irwin, L., Syed, A. A., & Guerin, S. (2019). The clinical approach used in supporting individuals with intellectual disability who have been sexually abused. British Journal of Learning Disabilities47(2), 105-115. (link)

Swafford, K. (2022). Eidetic systems therapy: How to use somatic imaging for effective treatment. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Swafford, K. (2022).  Four Session Depression Case Story. Unpublished manuscript.

Swafford, K. G., Blackburn, D. B., Gunn, T., Barker, A., & Koralewski, M. (1993). Abuse of power. Men, Women, and Trauma. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Swafford, K., & Pierce, V. (2002, June). Eidetics in fitness: A new approach to motivation. Presentation to the United States Association of Body Psychotherapy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

Swafford, K. (2003). Functional hemispherics: Imagery of left/right positions in mental space. In A. Ahsen (Ed.), Image and maze: Quantum imagery of implicate-explicate orders (pp. 47–95). Brandon House.

Swafford, K. (2009). Use of eidetic imagery in exercise motivation. United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, 8(2), 47.

Swafford, K. (2010a). The psychosomatic mind: Eidetic imagery in the effective treatment of trauma. Proceedings of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy. Retrieved from

Swafford, K. (2010b). Managing emotion and hyperarousal in trauma treatment. Presentation to the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, San Francisco, CA.

Syed, A. (2012). "A way to grow": An Eidetic model of growth for intellectual disability. Journal of Mental Imagery36(3-4) 1-32. (link)

Syed, A. A., Neelofur, S., Moran, A., & O'Reilly, G. (2020). Exploring the vividness of mental imagery and eidetic imagery in people with intellectual disability (ID) in comparison with typically developing (TD) individuals. Heliyon, 6(11). (link)

Wertz; F.J. (2021). Objectivity and Eidetic Generality in Psychology: The value of explicating fundamental methods. Qualitative Psychology, Vol 8, No. 1, 1. (link)