Welcome to the Eidetic Institute
What is Eidetic Imaging?
Eidetic Imaging uses universal images to tap into a person’s imagination and bypass their thinking brain and, in doing so, helps them to connect with their feelings, emotions, and physical bodies. Once connected or, in some cases, reconnected, the person can begin to process those feelings and the thoughts associated with them.
How It Works
Individual personal growth uses Active-Mind Meditation to clearly observe what is going on in the mind through images, maneuvering around obstacles, and effectively restoring original potential for growth. Once restored, these changes last a lifetime.
Building Community through an Imagination Practice
Imagination is creative and must be shared. Everything we do and create starts as an image in our imagination. By expressing our imagination through connecting with others, we grow. Eidetic Imaging is unique in its origins and its actions. It springs spontaneously from consciousness and ignites movement in the body to be expressed in the world. What began as a picture in the mind becomes reality in the world.